About Critical Movement YYC
Amber began her journey into bodywork during her time at the University of Winnipeg while completing her Bachelor of Kinesiology in the 90's. There along with anatomy, biomechanics and athletic therapy she was also introduced to voice & diction work and the Feldenkrais Method through her Dad.
After moving to Calgary in 1997 and pursuing the career of a Fitness Trainer she was introduced to Yoga and the practice of Ashtanga Yoga through Mary-Jo Fetterly and Rockne White.
Many years of Ashtanga practice and teaching as well as taking up Skeleton racing at the National Development level for 2 years, she was offered an opportunity to take over a yoga studio in South Calgary. With this change she was also introduced to the practice of Iyengar Yoga through Norman Sjoman and through him was introduced to Gert van Leeuwen and the practice of Critical Alignment Therapy.
Since taking that initial intensive weekend in 2005, she has been integrating and moving fully into the Critical Alignment practice. Having received her Critical Alignment Therapy Certification in 2008 she has been introducing it in classes, workshops and teacher trainings since.
In 2012 she had her first child and used Critical Alignment and exercise (Lagree and cycling) to re-discover her body after 2 pregnancies (second child in 2013). She found that the C.A.T practice was very helpful throughout her pregnancies and especially afterwards when she was affected with ongoing lower back (degenerative disc disease + osteoarthritis) and SI joint issues postpartum.
In 2015 she was introduced to MovNat, she worked with Stefano Tripney before receiving her Level I certification in May 2016. Amber also began exploring the fascinating areas of neuroplasticity, pain science, and chronic pain. Having received her Lagree YYC Instructor Certification in 2019, she is teaches classes at all Lagree YYC studios.
In 2020 she completed her Mentorship with Ben Cormack and Cor-Kinetic out of the UK and is looking forward to incorporating more pain education/management into all of her work.
In 2021 she has become a Registered Kinesiologist with the Alberta Kinesiology Association, and in late 2023 she joined the board of the AKA as the Education Director - North.
As a life long learner and observer of connection she also became certified in Pain Reprocessing Therapy in 2023. If you have heard of the chronic pain app Curable Health... they use Pain Reprocessing Therapy.
In the fall of 2024, she had the immense pleasure of attending Lorimer Moseley's Pain Science in Practice course and was thrilled to realize that she was already incorporating 85% of the content the he was presenting.
Recreationally she has pursued her Canadian Ski Instructor Level 1 certification in 2020 and loves cycling, hiking, skate skiing (though feels like a chicken with her head cut off on those skinny skis), driving around Canada in a Skoolie with her amazing partner Jonathan and two girls.
Motto: Life happens, get out there and be curious!