Congrats on joining this program. We'll be learning lots, practicing all the skills to help you with your pain levels, and working to get you back to the life you want to live!
The 6 week plan
When you register, you'll be sent the welcoming self-assessment email and then meet up with me for your intake session within the first week. Your first offical video will arrive in your mailbox
This stuff is great to learn, but each program requires individualized programming. Also, it is a great way to get answers to questions that you may have and set you up with your movement rehab program!
This program is built on you doing the practice. Practice makes what? Nope not perfection, as someone with chronic pain, you likely strive for perfection... let's practice to make improvements!
We will also scheduled five 30 min one on one sessions to catch up, ask questions, and make tweaks to your movement rehab program if needed.
Let's get started!
Path Back to Wellness
Below you'll find the library of videos and workbooks for this program. Click on the channel image to connect to the live stream and access previous classes.
Password: Stillness