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Let's Make Habits Stick!

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Ah... I am writing this as spring is now upon us. As much as I love winter, the heat of the sunshine, the longer days, and the sound of birds chirping gives me more motivation to stay out longer and get out a little more.

So what are some tips to getting outdoors and making movement become a habit?

  1. Plan it into your schedule. Block off the time. Seriously, check out the GoGet.Fit app. Use the code: GW3UH to access.

  2. Schedule it with a friend, encourage each other!

  3. Sign up for a regular group class, Critical Movement YYC often holds classes outdoors May through October, check out the next one!

  4. Walk to your local playground and move around.

  5. If you don't have a dog, borrow your friend's dog and head out for a walk.

While these are just a few of the ways to get outdoors, maybe the outdoors are not your thing, that is totally understandable.

When it comes to movement, exercise, and living healthy, find what you love, what inspires you. That is what will keep you going.

Interested in building your path back to wellness? Contact Amber and see where you can start.

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